Laura J Perin Designs
10.5" x 10.5" on 18 ct. canvas,
eggshell with gold flecks
Threads used: DMC #5 pearl cottons 209, 309, 498, 552, 3687, 3688 with
Very Velvet V213 & V282 (2 sk.),
plus YLI Ribbon Floss 148-021 (2 sk.),
148-030, 148-039
You also need ThreadworX Overdyed #8 pearl, 811611 (4 skeins)
on a 16" x 16" piece of 18 ct canvas
in eggshell with gold flecks
NOTE: If you want a PURPLE BOW, get
Very Velvet V228 & V272 (2 sk.)
or if you want a PINK BOW, get
Very Velvet V235 & V269 (2 sk.)