The Stitcherhood
Yule – Sabbat – Winter Solstice 74w x 95h The Stitcherhood
$11.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern. Yule is the Wiccan celebration of Winter Solstice. This cross stitch pattern shows a bare tree in the snow with a small snowman and a tiny Christmas tree underneath and a bird on a branch.$11.99 -
Quaker Christmas Ornaments 41w x 41h Each The Stitcherhood
$11.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$11.99 -
Cleansing and Casting 92w x 92h The Stitcherhood
$11.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$11.99 -
Autumn in Appalachia The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern. All stitches are cross stitch. Stitch count is 50 high and 92 wide.$10.99 -
America - Retro & Rippled The Stitcherhood
$11.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern. Stitch Count for the Retro design is: 40 High & 96 Wide. Stitch Count for the rippled design is: 48 High & 90 Wide.$11.99 -
Sunbathing 88 high and 89 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Teach Peace 56 High by 94 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
The Lighthouse 50 high and 70 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Thanksgiving Day Menu 84w x 165h The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Tiptoe Through the Tulips 85 high and 100 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Tree of Life 88 high and 88 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
To Do List 144 wide x 75 hight The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
To Do Stitch Count: 78 High & 94 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Unicorn Cove 70 high and 100 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Water Witch 154 High by 80 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
WiFi Passwork (Family Friendly Version) 127w x 63h The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
White Christmas Ornament 53w x 55h The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Wheel of the Year W - 130, H - 92The Stitcherhood
$11.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$11.99 -
Witches Stockings 113 high and 84 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Witch Sisters 61 high and 101 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Sun and Moon Dance 48 High & 58 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Stockings Were Hung 83 High by 84 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Stitchers Wish 102 Wide by 98 High The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Spells Cast Here 86 Wide by 90 HighThe Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Spell Shelves 93 High by 93 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Society of Witches 100 wide x 110 high The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Smoke Spell 102 High by 102 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Silent Night 80 high and 70 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Ship Weather Vane 54 Wide by 90 High The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Seven Stitchin Sisters 52 high and 103 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Surprise! You are Beautiful! 140w x 50hThe Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
The Sound of (Christmas) Music 114 Wide by 114 High The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Tis a Gift 133 high and 45 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Tree Swing 102 High by 86 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Whale Weather Vane 70 Wide by 61 HighThe Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Something Wiccan 80 wide x 62 high The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Seize the Day 74 high and 84 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Scrooge & Marley 77 High by 105 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Santa's Stockings 113 high by 84 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Santa's Signs 72 Wide by 78 HighThe Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Santa's Reindeer 138 high and 43 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Santa Claws 2 51 Wide by 91 High The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Santa Claws 70 high and 98 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Sandy & Salty 130 high x 94 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Salem Sampler 54 High by 100 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Sabbots - Beltane - May Day 74w x 95h The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Salem Semetary 68 high and 84 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Sabbats - Ostara - Spring Equinox 74w x 95h The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Sabbat – Mabon – Autumn Equinox 74w x 95hThe Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Sabbat – Litha – Summer Solstice #331 74w x 95h The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Sabbat – Lammas – Loaf Mass Day 74w x 95h The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Witch's Library 155 high x 111 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Rock 'N Roll Diner 98 High by 98 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Rockin' Reindeer 94 High by 102 Wide The Stitcherhood
$11.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$11.99 -
Rule of Three 78 high and 106 wide The Stitcherhood
$11.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$11.99 -
Reversed Sampler 81 high and 75 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Retro Rock 164 High by 108 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Reindeer Games 80 high and 80 wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Rede Sampler Wiccan 160 High by 108 Wide The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99 -
Read A Book 68 Wide by 78 High The Stitcherhood
$10.99The Stitcherhood Counted Cross Stitch Pattern$10.99