DebBee's Designs.
"The formal beauty of a palace garden, in hues of rich purple and green with touches of pale pink and yellow, incorporated into a counted canvas design. Royal Garden features several Jean Hilton stitches – crescents, walnetos, Amadeus and Jessicas – combined with pattern stitches to present a challenge to delight stitchers of all abilities. Like all of DebBee’s Designs, the chart is laid with step by step instructions and large easy to follow diagrams for each stitch.
Caron Collections Watercolours; Presencia pearl cottons and floss; DMC pearl cottons and floss; Rainbow Gallery Neon Rays, Silk Lame’ Braid and Panache; Kreinik #8 Braids
Design size is 216 x 216, about 12″ square on Sage Green 18 ct. canvas"