Sweet Wing Studio Counted Cross Stitch Pattern.
The stitch count is 142 w x 138 h.
The model was stitched 2 over 2.
The design features full cross stitches.
Recommended fabric: 32 ct Country French Cafe Mocha linen by Wichelt . (On that fabric, the finished size will be approximately 8 7/8" wide by 8 5/8" high.)
Floss Colors Used: 11
Gentle Arts Sampler Threads: Old Brick (or DMC 356)
Classic Colorworks: Finley Gold (or DMC 3822), Goldfish (or DMC 353), Dandelion Stem (or DMC 734), Poblano Pepper** (or DMC 522) **you will need 2 skeins!
DMC: 676, 841, 842, 3781, 3799, 3865