Blue Flower, The Counted Cross Stitch Pattern. The design includes the following motifs: luna moth, barn owl, leopard moth, beaver, flying fox, kiwi, badger, fox, rabbit, possum (and baby possums), hedgehog and sloth, as well as a variety of flowers that bloom in the evening or at night. The model is stitched on 40 count "Wood Smoke" linen from Lakeside Linens" Stitch count is 269 wide anc 254 high. (The smaller alphabet is 216 wide x 120 high.) Threads used: DMC - 356, 422, 680, 0028, 3064, 3740, 3819 Weeks - Bashful, Moonglow, Bright Leaf, Collards, Gunmetal, Onyx, Gold, Carrot, Terra Cotta Classic Colorworks - Cocoa Bean, Mariner's Compass, Vanilla Custard