Mojo Stitches Counted Cross Stitch Pattern, A new Australian Designer.
The original of this piece was stitched entirely in beads, on a fully-stitched red background! My adaptation softens the background, and makes the beauty of the design accessible for cross-stitchers.
This antique adaptation is stitched in full crosses over 2 only, using Gentle Arts, Weeks Dye Works & Classic Colorworks. Model stitched 1 over 2 on 36-count
'Blush' by Paddock Lane Designs (a very pale pink). Full DMC conversion provided. Stitch count: 128w x 129h.
Called for colours:
- Gentle Arts: Adzuki, Forest Glade, Chamomile, Roasted Marshmallow, Cherry Wine, Highland Heather
- Classic Colorworks: Bramble Bush, Mossy, Nature Trail, Autumn Spice, Clay Pot
- Weeks Dye Works: Loden