Running With Needles & Scissor Counted Cross Stitch Pattern.
From the designer:
Stitch count: 397 x 281
Linen: 40 count Pampas Reed by Atomic Ranch
Floss: Au Ver à Soie - Soie d'Alger (SDA), 100.3
Floss Code:
- AVAS 100.3 - 149
- SDA 2212
- SDA 3026
- SDA 3335
- SDA 4621
- SDA 526
- SDA 1342
- SDA 2912
- SDA 161
- SDA 3332
- SDA 2226
- SDA 165
- SDA 3411
- SDA 2211
- SDA 3712
- SDA 4643
- SDA 4913
- AVAS 100.3 - 434
Not quite a reproduction, as I opted not to include the very complicated darning, so I pulled the fabulous border in a bit. Other than that, I stayed true to this amazing sampler. It was beautifully stitched by Brenda Holsman."